Level One | Silver | 15%

This is especially intended for those
who know that America and the world needs the Sanus1 products but are still
developing their market outreach. And here’s the beauty of it. It is so easy to get
started. Just order (1) one Sanus1 : MegaDetox Kit and everything you buy will be
at a 15% discount. It helps you make money, build your business and helps people
discover our great Sanus1 products.

Level Two | Gold | 20%

This level was created for the shops and marketers who have a base of clients and are excited about the opportunity to bring their clients some of the most effective, natural products on the market. Because your markets are already established and your business is growing, you can take advantage of a 20% discount when ordering a minimum of (5) five Sanus1: MegaDetox Kits. That’s a savings of more than $220.

Level Three | Platinum | 25%

This level is designed for the real marketers, who have a solid base of clients and are
looking to expand their customer base. Platinum Level offers the tremendous 25%
discount to Platinum Level - Affiliates when they order a minimum of (10) ten
Sanus1 : MegaDetox Kits. That’s a savings of more than $560.