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Mega Detox Protocol and Success Plan

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler"—Albert Einstein

We all want things simple and easy, right?
So why would you choose a 5-step detox over a 1-step detox?

We have all the answers below, but first here's the protocol:

Morning and Evening:

  • Take 1 and 2 on an empty stomach
  • Wait 45 minutes before taking 3, 4, and 5 (in 15-minute intervals)

Mornings, wait 45 minutes after protocol before eating; evenings, start protocol 45 minutes or more after dinner.

So why a 5-step detox? Because it works far better!

Our superior proprietary system is as simple as we could make it but not simpler.

A 1-step detox may either kill a few things but not work to flush them out (which can actually make health problems worse) or just basically act as a laxative. You are tied to a toilet for a week and when it is done most of the toxins are still there.

Effectively eliminating pathogens and toxins requires two things:

  1. Destroy the pathogens (parasites, viruses, bad bacteria)
  2. Remove the dead pathogens and other toxins from your body

    Your body naturally wants to rid itself of viruses, toxins, parasites and heavy metals. Unfortunately, parasites and viruses are expert at hiding from your immune system. That’s where the 5-step Mega Detox can help. Each step has a special function, and each needs time to do the work it is designed to do. 

    Working with your body, bottles one and two are on a seek and destroy mission while bottles three, four, and five are the clean up and removal crew.  

    Without bottles three, four, and five, releasing all those toxins that are stored up in your body can result in “Herxing” which is essentially a system overload, and it's no fun. That's the genius of Sanus1 Mega Detox formula: seek and destroy, then gather and flush out.

    So why detox over 30 days instead of just 10 days?

    Again, simple answer: so you can live your life.

    The Mega Detox Kit balances the strength needed to produce superior results with the gentleness needed to not overwhelm your digestive system. So you can work, sleep, exercise, and travel without the anxiety, discomfort, and inconvenience of constantly needing to be near a bathroom.

    As the 30-day Mega Detox rids your body of pathogens and toxins, and begins the process of flushing out causes of inflammation, it's bringing positive change to your health, including your bones, joints, brain, gut, and immunity.

    So for example, you might also start feeling improvement in arthritic joints. The results you feel immediately from this detox month will vary based on multiple factors, like how toxic your body is to begin with, and how closely you follow the 5-bottle detox protocol.

    After detoxing, your body has a much stronger foundation to work from to heal itself. Importantly, our products protect good bacteria, which is essential to a healthy digestive system.

    So Mega Detox gives you freedom, comfort, and effectiveness, but your success using it does require just a bit of planning.

    Mega Detox may NOT be for you if: 

    • You’re only willing to do the absolute minimum effort to restore your health
    • You’re perfectly happy with the way you feel and function and energy levels
    • You have no concerns about the effects of toxins, parasites, viruses and other pathogens
    • You believe you’re getting all the nutrition you need from food
    • Spending 10 days tied to the toilet using a cheap detox sounds like a good time

    Mega Detox IS for you if:

    • You're willing to give a little effort for the results you want
    • You'd like to compare how you feel and function after ridding your body of parasites, heavy metals, viruses, bad bacteria, pesticides, preservatives, chemicals, and other toxins
    • You're concerned about the effects that multiple pathogens and thousands of toxins may be having on you
    • You're concerned about the steep decline in the nutritional value of our food
    • You don't want to spend a week obsessed with bathrooms

    The main success issue with Mega Detox is proper timing twice a day, and you'll want to drink plenty of water during the day to help remove toxins.

    Again, each step has a special function, and each needs time to do the work it is designed to do.

    Yes, the morning protocol starts 2 hours before breakfast. But you can take the capsules while you're at work, and it's much more comfortable and less disruptive to your day than a "blowout" detox.

    Your cell phone timers (alarms) can help you easily follow the schedule.

    If you're concerned about portability while keeping capsules in correct order, get a pill box with days of week compartments (at Walmart or local drugstore) and first day of week is Bottle 1 capsule, 2nd day of week is Bottle 2 capsule, etc.

    Think of it like this...

    Your poor body has been exposed day after day, year after year, to thousands of manmade chemicals in our air, water, food, and products we use every day (plus destructive pathogens), and it just wasn't designed to deal with it all. And it's been doing it on subpar nutrition even if you eat healthy. 

    Mega Detox only takes 30 days. Isn't your health worth it?

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